Students union council

1- Improving the status of union-welfare affairs of students and helping to create more suitable conditions and atmosphere for students’ studies, activities and living.
2- Creating an atmosphere of empathy among students and university officials and making them more familiar with each other’s realities and problems and strengthening the atmosphere of cooperation and interaction.
3- Strengthening values ​​such as the spirit of self-belief and self-confidence, cooperation and collective work and lawful participation among students.
4- Creating a platform for skill enhancement, gaining experience and getting more acquainted with students’ capabilities, facilities and how to manage affairs in universities.
5- Trying to identify, plan and solve the union defects of university students
6- Enhancing the advisory role of students in the stages of planning and implementing activities related to students’ union affairs
7- University benefiting from students’ creative capacities in order to improve student services
8- Strengthening the culture of pursuing the solution of welfare problems through interaction and through legal channels
9- Increasing students’ awareness of student rights and assignments


Secretary of Dunya Shehamati Council
other members

Fatima Amini

Seyed Amirhossein Hosseini

Nadia Akbarzadeh

Fatemeh Barkhanchi

Mohammad Farhangian

Kiana Hasibi

student Basij
Goals and missions
The essence of student mobilization is readiness to meet the various needs of the revolution and Islamic Iran at any time and in any field and situation
Fulfilling the orders and guidelines of Imam Khomeini (RA) and the Supreme Leader.
Strengthening the spirit of cooperation and responsibility.
Expansion of Basiji culture and thinking.
Creating an environment for educating students with a clear mind, expressive language and high initiative in order to fulfill specialized and general concerns and play a role in society.
Cooperation in union affairs to create a suitable environment for dealing with scientific and cultural affairs
Development and promotion of authentic and pure Islamic culture, explanation and promotion of Alawite behavior, deepening of religious faith and spirituality, confronting cultural invasion and promoting the thoughts and ideas of Imam Khomeini (RA) and the Supreme Leader (Madazla Al-Aali) and the Soleimani School.
Strengthening and developing the mobilization of sisters for effective and extensive participation of women in scientific, cultural, political, social, sports, construction, relief, etc.
Entering scientific fields specific to students’ fields in the direction of scientific jihad
Giving awareness and alertness to students in the field of analyzing and understanding the issues of Islam, revolution, current national and international issues
Creating a suitable environment for students’ self-improvement and skill acquisition, including creative and critical thinking and deep insight
Having a cross-sectional view and taking steps in the field of making demands by relying on the powers of reasoning and convincing documents and avoiding conservatism
Carrying out jihad activities in order to remove deprivation and promote social justice
