Department of Food and Nutrition Policy and Planning

Research Department of Food & Nutrition Policy and Planning is benefiting from the presence of five academic staff members and three researchers. Moreover, the department benefits from the collaboration of development specialists, economists, sociologists, food safety specialists and psychologists as consultants.


The department seeks to develop research priorities and short-, mid- and long-term policies in food and nutrition. It also seek to provide specialized consultations to national and regional organizations, and to monitor and evaluate the nutritional status at the community level, and to upgrade the science and research of the faculty members, staff, and students in all educational levels. Moreover, the department attempt to analyze food and nutrition policies and study the challenges facing present policies, laws and regulations in order to reform and better the current situation and also offer practical solutions.


The department pursues to establish the mechanisms in improving and promoting research and education in line with removing the existing challenges to food and nutrition policies. Policy analysis, developing and testing problem-solving models, and advocacy for policy change and or reinforcement are among the department’s mission.


Identifying food and nutrition problems at the micro and macro levels as well as developing and testing suitable solutions;

  • Preparing scientific bases for food and nutrition policies and programs in the country;
  • Establishing relationship between scientific positions and governmental policies;
  • Constant and effective application of latest scientific findings both in Iran and the globe in the policy-making and planning within the country;
  • Designing policies to improve food and nutrition security at various levels;
  • Orienting research at the Institute towards national priorities, and using scientific research findings in reviews and evaluations;
  • Identifying research needs and priorities and establishing relationships with planning and administration at the national level;
  • Encouraging research departments of the Institute and academic centers to follow research n line with the research priorities outlined;
  • Studying the role of nutrition and food industry as an important factor in economic development of the country;
  • Studying socio-economic and cultural indices in changing the household food practices and patterns, and the role of the government, NGOs, and international organizations in the field;
  • Establishing co-ordinations among various sectors of food and nutrition in research activities (inter-sectoral collaboration);
  • Studying and developing an integrated national nutrition surveillance and monitoring systems, especially among the vulnerable groups.

Fatemeh Esfarjani
Ph.D. by Research in Public Health, Asisstant Professore
Head of Department


Fatemeh Mohammadi-Nasrabadi

Ph.D. in Nutrition Sciences, Associate Professore


Azizollaah Zargaraan

Ph.D. in Food Science and Technology, Asisstant Professore


Marjan Ajami

Ph.D. in Nutrition Sciences, Associate Professore

Abdol-Samad Abedi

Ph.D. in Food Science and Technology, Asisstant Professore


Ali Milani

Ph.D. in Nutrition Sciences, Researcher

